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SGS Dental Swiss Implant System -3cinternational

  • Research Based Product
  • User Friendly
  • Certified Product


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SGS Dental Swiss Implant System -3cinternational

SGS Dental Swiss Implant

All in one! SGS Swiss implant system!
Advantages of the SBTC coating
+ Faster and better healing
+ Complex surface design with significant surface enlargement
+ High hydrophilic reaction with blood
+ Increased primary stability with reduced healing time
+ Active support of bone attachment
+ Higher application security
+ Possible diversification of indications (early loading/immediately loading)
+ Higher osteon conduction of the surface
+ Outstanding biocompatibility
+ Thin coating
+ Microcrystalline structure, large open surface
+ High solubility and controlled resorption area
+ Complete coverage of porous surfaces and complex implant geometries
+ Micro porosity with high capillary effect on body fluids
  • Research Based Product
  • User Friendly
  • Certified Product
(SGS Dental Swiss Implant System -3cinternational)
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