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SGS Swiss Implant System -3cinternational

  • Research Based Product
  • User Friendly
  • Certified Product


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SGS Swiss Implant System -3cinternational

SGS Swiss Implant System

+ Faster and better healing
+ Complex surface design with significant surface enlargement
+ High hydrophilic reaction with blood
+ Increased primary stability with reduced healing time
+ Active support of bone attachment
+ Higher application security
+ Possible diversification of indications (early loading/immediately loading)
+ Higher osteon conduction of the surface
+ Outstanding biocompatibility
+ Thin coating
+ Microcrystalline structure, large open surface
+ High solubility and controlled resorption area
+ Complete coverage of porous surfaces and complex implant geometries
+ Micro porosity with high capillary effect on body fluids
  • Research Based Product
  • User Friendly
  • Certified Product
Windows64bit Windows 7*, 8 or 10
Graphic Card4Gb dedicated Graphics card (such as NVIDIA – Open GL 4.0 or later)
HDD500Gb HDD (this is more driven by the amount of data you want to keep on your computer, rather than LSS itself)
ScreenSingle HD Screen (1920×1080 with 100% desktop scaling) or 1366×768 with second monitor 1920×1080 or higher


Check out more sizes of implant fixtures: Implants Fixtures – Dental Implant | Dental Units | Dental Materials | Dental Equipment | Dental Instrument (3cinternational.com.pk)

(SGS Swiss Implant System -3cinternational)

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